Guests on Drive lah have the option of choosing fuel package for their trip or can choose to exclude fuel.
If they choose fuel package
With fuel inclusion, guests don't have to worry about refuelling the car. They just pay for the fuel consumed (basis the distance driven) at the end of the trip. The total charge depends upon the distance driven by you and the type of car. Depending upon the car guest chooses,
If it is a Drive lah Go car, the distance driven is calculated from the device
If it is a physical key handover car, the distance driven is calculated basis the odometer readings they enter at pick up and drop off.
If the guests need to refuel during the trip after choosing fuel package - They need to upload the fuel receipt at the end of the trip and Drive lah will refund them the amount spent on fuel basis the receipt.
If they choose to exclude fuel
It is the responsibility of the guest at check-out to return the car’s fuel tank filled back to the check in levels. It is mandatory for the hosts & guests to take pictures of the fuel gauge at check in & check out. If the host finds that the fuel level at checkout is not same as check in, the host needs to immediately inform Drive lah support and share pictures of the fuel gauge (before & after). It is the responsibility of the host to report it to Drive lah within 1 hour of the rental being over (the claim will not be admissible after this period).
Not filling up to the level of the start of the trip is inconvenient for the rental process in general and for the host in particular. To encourage guests to fill up sufficiently we charge $4.00 per litre if guests did not take the effort to return the car with sufficient fuel.
There are two ways of estimating claim amount:
Either both guest & host agree on the fuel gap at check out. The guest will be charged at $4.00 x litres as agreed with host.
In case, guest & host don’t agree on the fuel gap, then Drive lah assesses the appropriate amount and the guest is charged at $4.00 per litre. The host receives 80% of this amount.