A trip’s total cost is made up of these elements:
Trip Price: This is a vehicle’s listed rate multiplied by the trip length. Each host sets their own standard daily rate.
Trip Fee: The trip fees varies depending upon the age of the driver and the trip price.
Overall, total trip cost is generally 30-40% cheaper compared to traditional rental companies.
Example A:
Host decides the rental price of his car at $80 per day. A guest, aged 30 years wants to rent the car for a day. The breakup of the trip cost would be as follows:
Daily Total trip cost: $100
Daily Trip price: $80
Daily Trip fees: $20
The guest pays $100, the host receives $80 and Drive lah receives $20. (for 24 hours rental)
Example B:
Host decides the rental price of his car at $80 per day. The guest aged 23 years wants to rent the car. He needs to pay a young driver fee due to higher insurance cost. The breakup of the trip cost would be as follows:
Daily Total trip cost: $108
Daily Trip Price: $80
Daily Trip fees: $28
The guest pays $108, the host receives $80 and Drive lah receives $28.
Example C:
Host decides the rental price of his car at $55 per day. A guest aged 26 years wants to rent the car. The breakup of the trip cost would be as follows:
Daily Trip Price: $55
Daily Trip fees: $17
Daily Trip cost: $72
The guest pays $72, the host receives $55 and Drive lah receives $17.