Guests not arriving on time for a key handover causes inconvenience to the host. To make the transaction as smooth as possible for both parties we need to be able to rely on coming on time for pickup or agree on the pickup time prior to the official trip time.
If a guest has not informed the host by message or any other way and is uncontactable 1 hour after official pick up time, then it is considered no-show and that means the trip is considered completed. This only applies to cars with physical key handover (ie not for Drive lah Go cars). Hosts can, but are not required to, agree with guest on another time to handover the key. The drop-off time remains as is.
What to do as host?
Report all no-shows within 24 hours of the trip start.
Take these steps before reporting guests as no-show:
If guest doesn’t cancel and doesn't show up for trip, contact them via Drive lah messaging
Tell them you plan to report them as “no-show”
Tell them if you’re able to wait and for how long
Give them 15 minutes to respond
Report the no-show no earlier than 60 minutes after scheduled trip start time IF:
Guest doesn’t respond within 15 minutes of your messaging them
Guest responds but you can’t wait for them; give them the full 60 minutes of wait time
Report the following as guest no-shows:
Guest arrives at check-in with no license or with invalid license
Primary guest sends approved or unapproved driver to pick up vehicle
Call customer support to report guest no-show on 31389153
We’ll issue your earnings based on trip length if you follow the no-show guidelines listed above. We won’t pay any earnings if you report guest no-show without having followed process outlined above or if you fail to report guest no-show.
Implications for guests
You will be charged for the trip and will not be refunded. If the host is willing to let you pick up the car at a later time, then you're free to pick up the car at the agreed time with the host.