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Vehicle reclassification from P to R - FAQs
Vehicle reclassification from P to R - FAQs
Written by Ben Gotto Smith
Updated over 2 months ago

What’s the reason behind converting cars from P10/11 to Rental vehicle type?

  • You need to move all vehicles to the Rental type in accordance with the upcoming policy changes imposed on Drive lah so we can continuously provide insurance coverage for your Drive lah trips. This transition is necessary to align with new regulations that Drive lah will implement in Quarter 4 of 2024. We aim to enhance our support for hosts, providing greater flexibility and stability, while ensuring compliance with these new requirements.

When is the deadline?

  • The deadline is until the end of this year, but preferably middle of November so you’re eligible for the $100 processing fee refund (Nov 30 latest).

Will my personal insurance be affected?

  • Your personal insurance should not be affected at all, as you are still listed as the named driver on your insurance policy, so you will remain covered. After all, you are not declaring your participation in Drive lah to your insurance provider, as you are simply sharing your vehicle with our platform and we rent the car out to other people. Do note that the change from Private to Rental type does not have any noticeable differences, but we need to adhere to mandates imposed on Drive lah, so we can continue covering insurance for your trips.

Who will pay the $100 processing fee for the conversion?

  • Drive lah will cover the $100 conversion processing fee. Please forward us the receipt after you have completed the conversion, so we can initiate the refund process with our Finance team. We will refund those actioning the conversion on or before November 30, with mid November preferred.

Where do I go in order to convert?

  • You these FAQs or the email sent to guide you through the conversion process.

Step-by-step instructions to convert from Private to Rental:

To convert your vehicle type, follow these steps:

2. Click on "Digital Services" and then "View All"

3. Search for "Convert" in the search bar

4. Select "Convert Vehicle Type"

5. Log in with your Singpass

6. Choose "TO R - Private Hire"

7. Select your vehicle

8. Click "Next" to proceed to payment

Why is Drive lah pressuring us to convert to R even though our insurance is for Private only?

  • We are establishing clear expectations about the importance of following this mandate imposed on us, and trust this clarifies our position. It is important to recognize that hosts who convert their vehicle types are well aware of the factors that impact them. We are actively preparing our hosts for the changes ahead before year end. This mandate is not a decision made by choice, but a mandate imposed on Drive lah. Once again, Drive lah insurance covers your trips, your personal insurance is to be used for your trips alone, as you are still the named driver of your insurance, while we cover the rentals on our car sharing platform.

Will my insurance or financing company impose penalties or prevent me from switching to a rental type?

  • You should assert your rights, as this is not mentioned in your contract. They cannot enforce anything upon you that is not included in the agreement you signed. They cannot enforce anything upon you not included in the agreement you signed. It is essential that the contract clearly outlines any statements and instructions regarding hire purchase limitations. Several of our hosts successfully contested their insurance and financing companies, ultimately receiving approval to change their vehicle type, without facing any repercussions or penalties.

Can I choose to convert to Z-type?

  • Certainly. You may proceed with the conversion but not P-type to N-type. However, please refrain from activating the PHV feature if you are converting to Z, as our insurance only extends to standard private rentals only and does not cover PHV.

Do I have to buy Z10 car insurance if I convert to Z-type and I will not be using it as a PHV?

  • In accordance with Singapore law, it is required for you to possess your own personal insurance, even if not utilized for Private Hire Vehicles (PHV). Drive lah insurance is limited to covering the insurance for Drive Lah trips only.

Am I unable to convert because my car is under a Financial loan?

  • Check with your bank or lender before switching from P to R for your financial loan. Typically, they might just tack on a monthly interest rate and charge you an upfront fee. But in the long run, this could pay off, since you should keep seeing returns on your investments by continuing to rent out your vehicles.

Will my insurance be affected once I renew?

  • Your insurance renewal process will remain completely unaffected. When you renew or request a quote, insurance companies will primarily focus on your personal information and the current state of your vehicle, along with any past accident claims you may have. They will not inquire about the vehicle type of your car. Additionally, Drive lah insurance extends coverage to your rentals. Since claims are processed through Drive lah, there will be no record of accident claims in your insurance history, which is the basis of the insurance rate they will offer you.

Will my road tax be affected?

  • Your road tax will remain unchanged. Here are three factors that influence the road tax in Singapore:

1. Engine capacity

2. Age of the vehicle

3. Type of fuel used

Do I need to put a PHV sticker?

  • You don’t need to put a PHV sticker if you convert to R10 or R11. PHV sticker is only needed if you convert to Z10 or Z11 and will enable PHV usage.

Do you have insurance partners that can offer affordable insurance to hosts?

  • Drive lah is in partnership with Tokio Marine and NTUC. We can help you secure more affordable insurance.

Will switching to a rental type impact my car’s value if I sell in the future?

  • The type of vehicle does not influence the car's value and will not serve as a determining factor. The value of the car will primarily depend on its age and current market price. And you can decide to revert to P-type in the future.

How To guide for conversion from P to R:

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