Over 1350 models are allowed to be listed on our platform, which are most cars you currently see on the road. This can be privately owned vehicles, vehicles that are owned by businesses (as long as the host is authorised by the owner to rent it out on the platform), and Z-registered vehicles, which are used for private hire. N-registered vehicles are not allowed on the platform as the Singapore law does not allow them to be shared with others for reward. See the table below for more information.
Following registrations are eligible for listing on Drive lah: P10, P11, P16, P17, R10, R11, R16, R17, Z10, Z11, Z16, Z17
Currently high performance vehicles are not allowed on the platform due to insurance requirements. This may change over time, and when it does we will let the hosts that have registered their cars with us but are not approved yet, know.