Guests can either extend their trip or change the dates of an existing trip (with same duration). For this, they must submit a trip modification request via Drive lah. At this point, shortening of trip feature is not available.
If a guest wants to change their trip’s scheduled start or end time, they must submit a trip change request via Drive lah for you to accept or reject. If a guest contacts you to change their trip time and you’re agreeable to the change, send them these instructions for submitting a trip modification request.
A trip change is only valid if your guest makes the request through Drive lah and you accept it.
Guest can submit a request before the trip begins, while it’s in progress, or up to two hours before the scheduled trip end time.
How is pricing for trip extension calculated
A. In case guests's modified trip is of the same duration, then there are no additional charges to modification.
In case their modified trip is longer than the original duration, then they are charged for the time difference plus trip fees and processing fees.
For e.g.
Let's assume they booked a trip from 10th Dec 9 am to 11th Dec 9 am. This booking was done on 7th Dec.
Example A:
On 8th Dec, they decide to extend the booking to 11th Dec 6 pm (instead of 9 am). In this case, once they sent a trip extension and it is accepted by you, then they will be charged for 9 hrs additionally.
Example B:
At 7 pm on 10th Dec, the guest decides that they want to extend by another 3 hrs - hence their new drop off time would be 11th Dec 12 pm. Then once you accept, they will be charged for 3 more hrs.
Example C:
At 7.30 am on 11th Dec, they decide to extend by another 3 hrs. However since the drop off time is less than 2 hrs away, their trip cannot be extended