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Car Breakdown - Mechanical Dispute
Car Breakdown - Mechanical Dispute

Car issues during trip, mechanical component.

Written by Jennifer G
Updated over 4 months ago

The Host is responsible for faults, wear and tear, and mechanical or electrical breakdowns of the vehicle, unless it can be proven that the damage was caused by a specific Guest misuse of the vehicle. In such cases, the identified Guest will be held responsible for the full cost of repairs.

However If:

a) a mechanical or electrical component or moving part fails before reaching its expected

lifespan, and

b) that failure is suspected to be due to Guest use or misuse of the vehicle, but

c) responsibility for the damage cannot be attributed to any particular Guest

Drive lah will not contribute to any repair costs if there is evidence of an inherent fault or defect with that particular type of vehicle or component.


a) A vehicle part fails for any reason, and further damage to the vehicle is caused by a Guest that fails to notice, observe, or respond to warning lights or other signs that a reasonable and cautious driver would have noticed, observed, or responded to, or if the Guest acts in a manner that is not in accordance with reasonable care and caution in response to a vehicle part failure, then responsibility for the damage to the Vehicle may be shared between the Host and the Guest.

The Host will be fully responsible for repair or replacement of the part that failed. For any damage to mechanical components, Drive lah may request an independent investigation from a qualified expert to determine (acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator) to determine responsibility for damage and in what proportions Guest or the Host should bear responsibility for the damage and cost of repairs, and the expert's decision will be final.

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